Vallabh vidya mandir
Ms. Shruti Desai. March 17, 2024
Fortitude, courage, and willpower are essential traits for overcoming challenges and achieving success. These qualities enable individuals to persevere through hardships and achieve their goals, inspiring others along the way. For instance, despite facing moral dilemmas on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Arjuna exhibits fortitude by upholding his duty as a warrior and fighting for righteousness. Throughout his exile, Lord Ram demonstrates unwavering willpower by adhering to his dharma as a prince, husband, and future king. These examples from the Hindu mythology illustrate the power of fortitude, courage and willpower in overcoming obstacles and staying true to one's principles.
How can we imbibe these qualities in our daily life? We can exhibit fortitude and courage by standing up for those around us that don’t have a voice. We can speak against the injustices that happen around us to our friends, family or classmates. We can exhibit willpower by finishing tasks that we said we would do - such as our chores. We can stop coming up with excuses for not achieving our personal or athletic goals.
Nishi and Mr. Hardik Patel. March 10, 2024
In our everyday lives, it is hard to have patience. We might be overwhelmed with our own problems, be facing stressful situations, or simply not have the time to cater to someone else. However, in these situations, it is important to look to Shri Krishna Bhagwan and imbibe the way he acted into our lives. He teaches that patience is essential for spiritual growth and that it is necessary to endure the challenges and difficulties of life with equanimity and composure.
As we can see, Krishna Bhagwan displayed patience with others in every situation. Being patient also does not always involve a verbal interaction with others. For example, we can remain calm when waiting without complaint, wait until we are asked to answer something we are asked, and staying attentive when listening to others. Patience is necessary for success. It is said that "all good things come to those who wait". If we wish to achieve anything of significance, we cannot expect to achieve it overnight. Patience teaches us to value the effort and not just the success. It is a mistake to think that happiness can only be attained through certain achievements. Constantly toiling towards our goal with a single-minded focus and not worrying about the result is the true test of patience. Although maintaining patience can be hard, these little actions can help us practice our patience without even realizing. When it comes to displaying patience during verbal communication, we should try to understand the other person's perspective and not be judgmental.
The Gita stresses how important it is to keep a clear mind and clear conscience. With a clear mind, we are less likely to act irrationally and maintain self-control, even in the face of adversity. "Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana, Ma Karmaphalaheturbhurma Te Sangostvakarmani". This sloka is from the second chapter (Sankhya Yoga) verse 47. The meaning of this is being detached to the fruits of our action and our goal is one of the highest forms of patience. In all aspects of our lives, having patience is key. We should all strive toward being more patient, as patience is a virtue that contributes to our overall personal growth, success, and wellbeing.
Aparigrah (non-collection)
Riva and Ms. Khushbu Shah. March 3, 2024
Today, we want to talk to you all about a wonderful concept called "Aparigrah/ non collection. Now, I know it might sound like a big word, but it's actually quite simple and very important. It's all about living simply and being content with what we have. Imagine you have a box full of toys. You might think that having more toys would make you happier, right? But what if I told you that sometimes having too many toys can make us feel overwhelmed and not appreciate each one as much?
For parents, Aparigrah is important for you too! It means not stressing over having the latest gadgets or the fanciest clothes. It means spending time with your family and cherishing those moments together, rather than always chasing after more stuff.
Riva, what did you learn from this? Do you want to share?
Riva: Aparigrah teaches me to be grateful for what we have and to not always want more and more. It's like having a favorite snack. You enjoy it when you have it, but you don't keep asking for more and more because you know it's just enough to make you happy. It means sharing with friends and not always wanting the latest, shiniest thing just because everyone else has it. When we embrace Aparigrah, we find true happiness in the simple things in life. Like playing outside with friends, reading a good book, or spending quality time with family. It's about appreciating the beauty in simplicity.
So let's all try to embrace Aprigrah in our lives. Let's be grateful for what we have, share with others, and find joy in the little things. Together, we can create a happier and more fulfilling life for ourselves and for those around us.
Asteya (Not Stealing)
Dhimahi and Mr. Nilesh Goswami. January 14, 2024
Nilesh: Jai shri Krishna everyone. We will talk about stealing / theft today. So, Dhimahi, what is not stealing?
Dhimahi: It essentially means, not to think or talk about physically taking anything away which does not belong to you. Never steal or ask anyone to steal from someone for your good. Stealing can also include taking someone else’s idea and making it seem like it was yours.
Nilesh: Dhimahi, This is simple to say, But how about if you find a wallet in a parking lot, you look through it, and find $1000 but no ID or no cameras in parking lot? Would you not keep that $1000, that may help you pay for new clothes and some new electronics, how would you implement not stealing in day-to-day life?
Dhimahi: First of all, that would be morally wrong to use that money which I didn’t earn. I would simply take that wallet and return to the store where I found it. You can practice not stealing by being truthful in thinking, speaking and behavior. Here is simple example:
If you can’t afford something, learn to accept it. If some of your friends wear shoes like Nike and Converse but if your parents can’t afford them, don’t pester them for it, rather accept it, all shoes serve the same purpose. Learn how to live a simple life without always feeling like you must have something to fit in with your friends because they have something which you can’t afford.
Not only is stealing illegal, but it also goes against your moral compass. It is important to respect other people’s property and their right to own it. Stealing can cause harm to the victim and can lead to a loss of trust between the victim and the thief if they know each other. It can also lead to things like jail or expensive fines. Stealing can have a negative impact on your self-esteem and can lead to feelings of guilt and shame. It is important to remember that there are other ways to obtain what you need or want without resorting to stealing. You can work hard and save money to buy the things you want, or you can ask for help from friends or family, if you absolutely have to. It’s always good to ask for help rather than stealing.
Stealing makes people feel vulnerable and sad, like you used them, and don’t care about their values, beliefs, and thoughts. It makes them think that they were easy to steal from. For example, imagine your parents just bought you your first phone and on your way home someone happened to pickpocket you causing you to no longer to be in possession of it; or imagine a cyber criminal hacking your bank account. That would most likely hurt you in ways you can’t imagine like not being able to pay for what you need like food and rent. If you steal money, it could make people go hungry or maybe even get evicted.
Nilesh: What is the Texas prosecution policy for theft?
Dhimahi: According to Texas state laws, if you commit theft, including shoplifting, you may be civilly liable to the theft victim on top of facing criminal penalties. Texas law also allows for a criminal prosecution, which is brought by a government prosecutor, and a civil lawsuit, which is brought by the victim. For underage minors you will have to go to juvenile court and could end up being released to your parents, restitution, probation, community service, or serving time. For adults, you will have to go to regular court, serve up to 5 years, but up to 14 years if the theft includes aggravation like carrying a weapon or physically abusing someone. It will be harder to find a job no matter the age and you could lose your job in the process.
Being Truthful
Riddhi and Ms. Tvisha Kadakia. December 17, 2023
What is Truth:
Honest and not containing or telling any lies. Honesty is a noun meaning “adherence to the facts”, while truthfulness is an adjective meaning “telling or disposed to tell the truth”. What you think, speak and express with your behavior, it must be as per your true understanding through your alertness of senses, and without causing harm to any living being.
What is not truth:
Not being truthful means that you disclose false, exaggerated, or half-baked information, as well as not disclosing any information at all. When you’re not authentic you lead a fake life which will make you hurt others and yourself as a result. When you speak about anything and you add your strong opinion about it without being asked.
Let’s say some one asked about person you know, You say yes and also add that he is too smart, difficult to work with etc. or over exaggerate – like she is the smartest person, or say like she can walk on water. Let’s say one of our friends passes by us in hurry and she does not say hello. And our feelings get hurt and then some one ask us about her. We say I know her but add that she has habit of ignoring, or she lives in different world.
How do we practice truth:
When speaking with others, strive not just to be truthful; strive to be truthful in a way that is helpful.
Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial, and not agitating to others, and also in regularly reciting Vedic literature. How you speak the truth is also as important as what truth you speak of. You should not sound rude. This will make the person defensive and ruin your aim of making them accept the truth and do better.
Speak your truth as you know it without emotion and as long as it is safe to do it. Express yourself clearly and accurately without hurting anyone. Ask for more information if some one does express themselves clearly.
When you are honest and truthful, you uphold values that bolster a positive self-image. Being honest and truthful with others will help you build trust and credibility, which are essential for strong, healthy relationships. This is particularly important in close relationships, such as those with family and friends, as honesty and truthfulness are often key foundations of these types of relationships. It will also connect you to high-quality friends. When you are honest and truthful, you tend to be fearless. This makes you bold, courageous and confident
Small Story from Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi (My Experiments with truth)
"There was an incident which occurred at the examination during my first year at the high school and which is worth recording. Mr Giles, the Educational Inspector, had come on a visit of inspection. He had set us five words to write in a spelling exercise. One of the words was ‘kettle’. I had mis-spelt it. The teacher tried to prompt me with the point of his boot, but I would not be prompted. It was beyond me to see that he wanted me to copy the spelling from my neighbour’s slate, for I had thought that the teacher was there to supervise against copying. The result was that all boys, except myself, were found to have spelt every word correctly. Only I had been stupid. The teacher tried later to bring this stupidity home to me, but without effect. I never could learn the art of ‘copying’. Yet the incident did not in the least diminish my respect for my teacher. I was by nature blind to the faults of elders. Later I came to know many other failings of this teacher, but my regard for him remained the same. For I learnt to carry out the orders of elders, not scan their actions."
Gauri and Ms. Falguni Shah. December 10, 2023
Our main goal is to keep Bhagwan Krishna in our minds. To apply it in real life, this means to keep ourselves joyful, balanced, and alert.
Ahimsa means not to hurt or think about hurting anybody. It means to respect all living and non living things that surround you. When you are talking to your friends, parents, or siblings, you want to interact with them in a respectful manner even if they aren’t behaving the same way. This also includes objects. When you get mad, you sometimes throw something or step on something. However, we should still respect those items because chances are the object didn’t do anything to you. Same thing with plants, while going to parks, don’t pluck flowers or plants because that is killing a different type of life form. If we cannot give the life back, then don’t take it either.
Things that do not show ahimsa are things like talking back, yelling, criticizing to make yourself look better, and always blaming others. There is something called as constructive criticism. This is not a bad thing. You are telling people what you think could make them better. However, normal criticism is just something you see bad in others and try to make them feel bad. Usually, this type of criticism comes from people who are not open-minded and only think what they do is right. This is not ahimsa.
In order to apply Ahimsa in your daily life, you have to practice habit forming. You need to form your own self-respect before respecting others. You need to develop good self-esteem and not think bad about yourself. Practice comes in three forms. Thought, word, and deed. Positive reinforcement such as putting a daily reminder to appreciate what you have, the great things you can do, and to not think bad about anyone no matter how tempting it could be., are examples of habit forming. Whenever you speak, it should be in a calm, cool, and collected manner. This is the best way to practice ahimsa in your daily life.
Riya and Ms. Simi Agrawal. October 15, 2023
Let’s picture this: My mom got cookies for me and my sister and put them in the cookie jar. We both took 1 cookie each from the jar. I ate my cookie...which by the way was DELICIOUS. Right after eating it, I had an opportunity to take 1 more cookie from the jar. Should I do it or not?? Well that depends on my self-discipline.
What is self-discipline? It is the ability to control your feelings and overcome your weaknesses. Back to the cookie example, I know that cookies are my weakness! Actually I have a sweet tooth so all sweet things are my weakness. BUT I also know that too much sugar is not good for me so I need to be strong and not take that extra cookie.
How do we practice Self discipline? It can be developed by following these steps:
choose a goal
find your motivation
identify obstacles
replace old habits
moniter your progress.
One habit I developed over time is to pray to god every night. How did I do that? I developed a routine of brushing my teeth at night, not watching TV in bed. I say goodnight to my parents and my sister, I close my eyes and pray to Lord Krishna before I go to sleep.
Did you know one of the biggest followers of self-discipline were Vallabhacharya Ji and Gandhi Ji? Self discipline is key to being a good person, being selfless and doing good for society. We don't have be a great soul like Vallabhacharya Ji or fast for days and free a country like Gandhiji, but we can do our own little bit toward self-discipline. Here are some ways we kids can be self-disciplined at VVM:
Have your VVM shirt on when you come to VVM every Sunday.
You should be on time so prepare for VVM the night before.
Line up your shoes in the correct place outside assembly and temple.
Don't expect lunch until aarti is finished.
Clean up after yourself.
Do not waste food!!
All these things should come from within us and not because someone has told us to do it. WE need to care enough to self discipline ourselves!! That is true self-discipline.
Brahmacharya (Living in Moderation)
Aria and Mr. Chirag Modi. February 18, 2024
Today we are going to discuss a character trait “Living in Moderation” which is one of the basic qualities of Shri Krishna. Living in moderation is all about avoiding extreme items which affect our body and mind. It involves finding a balance in various aspects of our life. In a world which promotes living in extreme equates to having more happiness, the idea of moderation is often ignored.
Aria: The Bhagwat Gita in chapter 6 verse 16 and 17 says - Yoga is not possible for him who eats too much, nor for him who does not eat at all, nor for him who sleeps too much, nor for him who is always awake, O Arjuna! Yoga becomes the destroyer of pain for him who is moderate in eating and recreation, who is moderate in exertion in actions, who is moderate in sleep and in wakefulness.
We will be discussing some of the tips which will help us live more moderately.
Healthy Lifestyle: We need to maintain a balanced diet which involves eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding excessive use of things like fried food and sweet foods.
Mindfulness and Meditation: We need to practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment and reduce stress. Meditation can help you find inner peace and balance. We need to watch what we take in with our senses like seeing, hearing, and speaking.
Technology: Technology is a wonderful tool that connects us to others and provides us with information. However, excessive use of technology can interfere with our interpersonal relationships and hinder our productivity. It is very important to use technology in moderation.
Work Life Balance: Remind yourself to work to live and not live to work. Your job is only a part of your self-worth, and you have other achievements in your life worth being proud of that require the same focus and discipline. It is important to balance and diversify all aspects of your life and not to spend an excess of time or energy on only one portion of your life.
Stress: Some stress is necessary to achieve top performance but with excessive stress performance levels can drop. It is important to moderate your stress level and recognize when stress is becoming difficult to your productivity or health.
Time Management: Manage your time efficiently, setting aside time for work, relaxation, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones.
Mindful Consumption: Be conscious of what you consume, whether it's food, material possessions, or media. Avoid overdoing or excessive consumption.
Chirag: Remember that moderation may look different for each person, depending on their values and circumstances. It's about finding what works best for you to lead a fulfilling and balanced life. Always make adjustments as needed to maintain a moderate and balanced approach.
Audience Interaction: How many of us allocate set times for use of technology ( iPad, TV for entertainment ). Do you think it is necessary to allocate limited time for its use?
Junk Food: All people love junk food. Research says that junk food will taste good for a while and after that we will lose its enjoyment if we overdo it... So do you think to keep liking those foods we should just have it once or twice a week.